Saturday, November 17, 2012

Pre-Show Training Tunnel Vision!

Picture of a tunnel
"What Affects the Mind, Effects the Body"
Often, when a race horse runs it wears blinders. The animal's eyes are located on the side of its head, so the blinders are used to keep it from getting distracted by the crowd and the other horses competing in the race.

Much like the race horse, it is easy for us to get distracted when pursuing our goals and dreams. Therefore, it is very important to block out all distractions while training. When Yolanda gets ready for a competition, during her pre-show training, she gets her mind in the zone—she focuses on the show and nothing else.

Distractions will occur. Usually, though, everything starts off according to plan. You are training, eating right, and focusing on your goal; however, it's when you get close to the goal that things start going wrong. Yolanda describes this phenomenon as like riding a rollercoaster:

That's what it feels like. It feels like one minute you're up and the next minute you're dropping, and as soon as you get close to your goals everything seems to want to fall apart.

This is why tunnel vision is so important. Since distractions hit suddenly and close to the completion of your goals, without tunnel vision it is very easy to let them get in the way of everything you have worked so hard for. Some examples of distractions include:
  • Friends' negativity.
  • Family issues.
  • Love life turning upside down.
A lot of the distractions that come up are things you have no control over. The important thing to remember is that these things happen whether or not you are training, so don't let them get in the way of what you want to accomplish. There was a point in Yolanda's training where she had been through so much there was no turning back—she was going to get the Team Body Effx Trophy and not coming home without it. Remember everything you've gone through to make it to where you are, and let that motivate you to accomplish what you set out to do in the first place.



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