Friday, December 14, 2012

Lemon Chicken

"What Affects The Body, Effects The Mind"
Clean eating: Lemon chicken
This meal takes about 5 minutes to prepare, plus the 50-60 minutes it bakes in the oven.

I tried to give you my estimate measurements because I typically eyeball it.

 Quick and easy -what's not to love about that?
(Serves 3)


3 chicken legs, lightly salted

1 lemon

1 tsp. rosemary

Salt and pepper to taste

1 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil

1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius (400 degrees Fahrenheit).

2. Cut the lemon in thin slices.

3. Place the chicken legs in a large oven-proof bowl. Spice the legs with rosemary, salt and pepper to taste. (I, personally, don't need any extra salt or pepper)

4. Place the lemon slices between and around the chicken legs and drizzle some olive oil on top.

5. Bake in the oven for 50-60 minutes, until the chicken legs are golden brown and the meat comes easily off the bones.

6. Enjoy with, quinoa/rice. I will often mix the two or have a fresh salad.



I'm no recipe aficianado but this definitely looks like a delicious way to hook up some bird!

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